100 Days of AdWords Help

Everything you need for a profitable PPC account

A little Google Ads help can go a long way

Why AdWords Help?

There are some pretty disastrous things that can happen even from the slightest mistakes inside a Google Ads account.

Yeah, there are official AdWords support pages, but they sometimes sound like a car manual. 

Yeah, it will explain how many liters the engine is, but it doesn’t tell you how to really handle it. Business owners want more than just a ‘how to set it up’ and ‘how to manage ads’.

They want help on making it more profitable. More qualified customers, more leads, more products sold.

You’ve landed in the right spot. At Search Scientists, we’ll be going over 100 days of AdWords help

Stay tuned, subscribe, and we’ll see you at a more profitable account! 

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Best Google Ads Scripts - Search Scientists
Claudia Ramba

How To Harness Google Ads Scripts – Part 2: Our Selection Of 30 Best Google Ads Scripts To Use In 2019

In this article, part two of “How to Harness Google Ads Scripts”, we’ve handpicked 30 insanely actionable Google Ads scripts to help you scale your accounts. From bids management to ads and keywords management, or account anomalies detection, we’ve got them all covered.

Thanks to a bunch of very smart and generous PPC experts who shared them with their fellow marketeers, here is our selection of 30 Google Ads scripts to kick your performance in 2019.

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Google Ads Scripts - Search Scientists
Claudia Ramba

How to Harness Google Ads Scripts to Keep Your Account in Tip-Top Shape –
Part 1: Save Time By Automating Your Google Ads Tasks

What if I told you that you can say goodbye to daily reports and to mostly any tedious manual task in Google Ads, and become more productive and efficient? Sounds too good to be true?

Well, think about it! There’s no magic wand, no gimmicks whatsoever, just scripts. Google Ads Scripts will help you keep your accounts in tip top shape.

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