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The No-Hassle Guide to Granting Facebook Advertiser Access | Search Scientists
Andreea Popa

The No-Hassle Guide to Granting Facebook Advertiser Access

Do you need access to your client’s Facebook Ads account but find yourself overwhelmed when it comes time to do it? Granting the access can feel intimidating if you don’t know your way around.

While it might feel like wandering around a Minecraft world, don’t panic! We’ll give you the map to requesting access to your client’s account.

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Conversion Rate Optimization - Search Scientists
Karolina Facchin

Conversion Rate Optimization:
How to Go from Bounce to Sale

You may have looked at your website analytics lately and found that people are visiting, but they’re not filling out your lead form, or calling, or buying. No conversions mean your website isn’t doing its job, but how do you fix it?

You need to take a closer look to Conversion Rate Optimization!

Read on, we’re talking about seven valuable strategies that you can use for improving your website’s conversion rate.

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Andreea Popa

Day 47 of 100 Days of AdWords Help:8 Smart Bid Strategies to Help You Achieve Your Goals

Smart cars, smart TVs, SMART goals, smart people, smart ideas, smart money, and the list could go on. The word ‘smart’ is following us everywhere. So why not talk about smart bidding strategies?

Smart Bidding is the en vogue marketing concept that refers to Google Ads automated bid strategies. It uses machine learning to optimize for conversions or conversion value, all auction-based.

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Top 3 Benefits of PPC Management Services | Search Scientists
Andreea Popa

PPC Myths Vs. Reality: Top 3 Benefits of PPC Management Services

How did you choose the car you’re driving? The laptop you’re working on? The phone you’re using (too much) every day?

What was more important to you, the color of the car or being comfortable on long rides? The keyboard light or how fast your documents are loading? The fingerprint access or…? Yeah, you get the point. Benefits beat the hell out of features. And this is exactly what Jessica is going to talk about in today’s episode of PPC Myths vs. Reality: the benefits of opting for PPC Management Services.

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