Increase Inbound Signups for Your SaaS

Capture demand from customers searching for your solution at a profitable Customer Acquisition Cost. 

How much time and money is your current PPC strategy wasting?

With the right PPC partner, you CAN capture demand from customers searching for your solution at a profitable CAC.

Search Scientists approaches PPC with a carefully curated system, setting up thoughtful campaign funnels through learning as much about you and your company as possible.

Our Systems include:

Helping Great SaaS Brands Grow Faster

We aim to work with fully formed SaaS companies with a robust understanding of their customer avatar and spending (or prepared to spend) at least $10,000 advertising dollars per month.

Our ideal partners pay attention to their market’s trends, and actively work on other aspects of their copmany (SEO, social presence, thought leadership, etc).

Take a look at Ad Badger, an increasingly popular Amazon Advertising SaaS company. We partnered with Ad Badger to help improve their lead generation to in turn net more software signups.

“I collaborated with Search Scientists to generate highly relevant traffic to our website. Onboarding was easy, and they’ve proven very easy to work with. 

They made great suggestions to polish the process and make everything smooth from start to finish, delivering great results! That freed me a lot of time to focus and scale the SaaS business I am a part of!”

-Clement Hynaux, Ad Badger

Is your pPC funnel leaking money?

More lead forms, more booked calls, more software signups. You know the SaaS, we know the PPC. Let’s partner up and watch your company grow.